Nanakorobi (Seven Falls) is a multi-award winning animated short film created by Glenna Burmer that follows the adventures of a young girl who undergoes seven challenges to save a dear orphaned friend from the cold Hokkaido winter. This highlight video shows the beginning of the film, showcasing both the original orchestral score composed by Glenna Burmer and the sumi-e style animation by Gaby Breiter and Deep Sky. The animation is a tribute to Glenna Burmer’s mother, who was a sumi-e artist.
The film has won over 50 awards at film festivals since it’s premier, including the Oregon Short Film Festival, Seattle Film Festival, Venice Shorts Film Festival, and the Toronto International Women Film Festival. The full film will continue to play in festivals around the world and is scheduled for a full release soon.
Awards & Selections
Client: Burmer Music
Studio: Deep Sky
Producer: Jared Hobbs
Producer: Glenna Burmer
Director: Gaby West
Creative Director: Barret Thomson
Associate Producer: Prosenjit Bagchi
Story Consultant: Seth Chaffee
Background Artist: Danny Popovici
Animation Directors: Barret Thomson
3D, VFX and Comp Lead: Esli Becerra
Jack Ellis
Matthew Seely
Adam DiTerlizzi
Mei Mei Leonard
Jenna Zona
Leigh Huddle
Alana Mango
Character sheets
Hand-drawn character animation
Background matte paintings