As part of a series of corporate animated videos Deep Sky and Etage produced for Hexagon, ‘Shaping Smart Change’ was the opener for the 2016 HxGN conference and essentially a purpose statement video for the Hexagon brand.
While we had already developed an overall visual style in the previous videos, determining the visuals meant really taking the time to understand Hexagon’s values and mission, with a lot of careful conceptualization and asset creation, so we could accurately reflect their message in a simplified and refined animated form. Particular attention needed to be paid to the script, narrator, and composer as well. Timing down to each frame was critical and each piece had to compliment each other perfectly to achieve a kind of fluidity and graceful flow.
Following our basic shapes theme, we spent weeks finessing the concepts, storyboards, designs, and animation until each scene perfectly synced. Additionally, we provided a campaign of vector illustrations to Hexagon for each key scene in the video.
With constant communication, collaboration, thoughtful design, and a beautifully written script, we were able to create a rhythmic dance between the narrative and visuals while staying cohesive with the other videos in the series to produce an attractive piece that Hexagon proudly shares.
Client: Hexagon
Agency: Etage Creative
Script: Chris Fitzgerald
Animation: Deep Sky
Director: Jared Hobbs
Producer: Nikki Richter
Art Director: Milan Erceg
Motion Graphics: Chip Webster
Motion Graphics: Milan Erceg
Motion Graphics: Nolan Lorch
Sound Effects: Michael Winters
Voice Over: Ulf Bjorklund
2D Animation
3D Animation
Color Correction