Oregon State Lottery | Jackpot Scratch-Its

We collaborated with R/West on this hilarious new Jackpot Scratch-Its spot, ‘More Than a Feeling’. In pre-production we helped develop the look, plan the shots with the director, and edit together the animatic storyboard and VFX pre-visualization. In order to achieve more realism and maintain the oddity, we went with both practical and digital effects. The background, for instance, was designed, illustrated and printed on vinyl. Once it was filmed, we cleaned up imperfections and added light effects to the wall. Little green screen was used – just three shots in all.

Oregon State Lottery | Saint Patrick’s Day

We had the pleasure working with our friends at R/West on three new Oregon State Lottery spots for Saint Patrick’s day. It was a blast working on set and tackling these hilarious visual effects shots. Check out how we did it below.

Oregon State Lottery | Jackpot Trio

Early in pre-production, we provided pre-visualization of a CGI RV and yacht. During the film shoot we photographed 360 HDRIs for lighting reflections. In post, are tasked were much more difficult than it would seem – it involved a complex camera track with no tracking markers, removing objects, replacing the license plate, rotoscoping, changing the road solid yellow lines to dashed line and finally animating, lighting and compositing the CGI trailer and yacht.